If you know me, you know I do not want to do things the “normal” way. So when I have a contest it is going to be fun! For December I offered a free photo session to the person who had the worst picture to use as a Christmas card. The most votes would win them a free photo session and the opportunity to get better pictures to use. Kristy and her adorable picture won hands down! She had the most votes and it was well deserved. Poor mama tried the year before to take her own pictures and well, let’s just say they did not turn out the best. We decided to go to the town center to take these pictures. I had so much fun running around after these two kids! They were so full of life and energy. It really brought the Christmas spirit alive. Now, mom and dad were fun too, even though they did not want to be in the pictures. I probably should not mention that we took a few pictures inside the Santa house since, well….. It was not “officially” opened. Rebels for sure! Great pictures and great memories! Congratulations again to the Riley’s for winning this session. It was well deserved and a complete blast for me.